Contact Us

Want to know more about how we make being single simple, easy, and fun? Fill out the form or call us at 512-557-6106. Your Austin specialist will answer all your questions and get you started building the life you want. Never wonder what to do with your weekend again. Contact us today!



  • What’s Next Singles is a membership based activity and travel club exclusively for singles. We are the ultimate expression of all that is Austin, providing a fun, friendly, and safe environment to help singles build the life they want.

  • Yes, definitely. As long as you are not married and not cohabitating, you are eligible to join What’s Next Singles.

  • Nope! Your membership entitles you to unlimited access to our curated calendar of activities and all trips scheduled during your membership.

  • All memberships come with a limited number of guests passes that can be used during your membership. We also offer occasional activities that are open to guests as long as they are brought by a participating member.

  • Our current volunteer partners are Central Texas Food Bank, Austin Disaster Relief Network, Community First Village, and Austin Humane Society.

  • Check out our sample calendar here. Austin is a super fun city that is constantly changing! We always add new activities as new things pop up in Austin and the surrounding area.

  • Our current vacation plans can be seen here. We have both international and domestic options, as well as long weekend trips.

  • We offer several levels of membership so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Schedule an appointment to meet with our staff and learn more about how we can help you build the life you want.